Address: 256 Koeberg Service Road, Rugby, Cape Town 7405

Demolition by WHJ Projects at ( St Anne’s Catholic church) Steenberg

Challenges at this height:

• Overcoming safety and other challenges when working at this height.
• Dealing with extreme weather conditions: strong winds and cold due to the close proximity to the sea.
• Management of drilling times and noise reduction, considering the uninterrupted church program.
• The use of silent explosives
• Debris direction challenges: private homes the church building and passing traffic in immediate firing line when debris/ rubble descends
• Waste management plan due to lack of space

Our Values

  • Trustworthy

    We are a member of the Cape Town Chamber of Commerce.

  • Responsible

    We are committed to being environmentally conscious.

  • Determination

    We set targets and do all we can to efficiently and effectively meet them.

  • Quality

    We aim to consistently provide the highest quality demolition and excavation.